What is Gestational Diabetes?
“Diabetes mellitus (also called “diabetes”) is a condition in which too much glucose (sugar) stays in the blood instead of being used for energy. Health problems can occur when blood sugar is too high. Some women develop diabetes for the first time during pregnancy. This condition is called gestational diabetes (GD). Women with GD need special care both during and after pregnancy.” -ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

Our Approach
FMCC pays close attention to mothers who develop gestational diabetes. Our provider team will work with you to create a plan to manage your blood sugar levels.
Some cases of gestational diabetes will require regular testing by Nonstress Test (NST) and Biophysical Profile (BPP). The NST measures the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movement over time. The term “nonstress” means that during the test, nothing is done to place stress on the fetus. The test is done while you are reclining or lying down and usually takes at least 20 minutes. A belt with a sensor that measures the fetal heart rate is placed around your abdomen. The fetal heart rate is recorded by a machine.
- Fetal heart rate
- Fetal breathing movements
- Fetal body movements
- Fetal muscle tone
- Amount of amniotic fluid