This little man is David Ronald. He was born on 12/11/14 and weighed 11 pounds, 10 ounces. His Mom was so motivated to achieve a vaginal birth after having had cesarean sections with her other children’s births, she traveled two hours from her home to see me and the Nurse-Midwives at the Fertility and Midwifery Care Center throughout her pregnancy. Despite her best efforts, David was born via repeat cesarean section early Friday morning after a rather long, difficult labor. Yet as I am continually reminded by my patients seeking VBAC, success is not in the achieving, but in the attempting. This birth was no exception; David’s Mom was thrilled that she had the chance to experience labor and attempt vaginal birth. She had a birth team that worked together as good teams do, sharing information transparently and working through options to the best of their ability, continually focusing and refocusing on the ultimate goal. I am also reminded by this birth and all of the births I attend, how fortunate I am to have the privilege of playing a small part in this amazing process with some truly remarkable women.
If you or someone you know has a desire to experience labor and vaginal birth, yet they are uncertain if they could or should because of having had a cesarean section in a previous pregnancy, encourage them to educate themselves on this important topic. Counsel them to interview providers and hospitals before making a decision about their birth plan. Some of my favorite resources are ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network),, our local ICAN chapter,,,, and The decision not to attempt VBAC may be one of the most important of a woman’s reproductive life so the importance of investing the necessary time to make an informed decision cannot be overstated.
A special thanks to David’s very special Mom for trusting me and including the Fertility and Midwifery Care Center in her VBAC journey.